Sugar Land Sexual Assault of a Child Attorney
Defense for Sexual Abuse Charges in Texas
The slightest suspicion that you had something to do with the sexual assault of a child can result in you being found guilty by the court of public opinion even before formal criminal charges have been filed. Your reputation can be forever marred prior to an arrest being made.
If you have found yourself the subject of a child molestation investigation or if formal charges have been initiated, you need the assistance of an experienced Fort Bend County sexual assault of a child defense attorney to not only protect you from the consequences of the criminal justice system, but to also strive to limit public exposure of your case.
At The Law Office of Larry McDougal, our highly-skilled attorneys have almost four decades of combined experience in representing those accused of a sex crime. We recognize the life-time consequences that a conviction and sex offender registration can have on you and your loved ones. For these reasons, we strive to protect your rights, freedom, career and future.
Contact us as soon as possible to put strong advocates on your side.
As a former law enforcement officer and criminal prosecutor, attorney McDougal knows how investigations surrounding allegations of criminal sexual misconduct are conducted. He understands how the government will seek to build its case against you. Relying on this experience, he can carefully craft your sexual assault of a child defense strategy, with the intent of having the charges against you dismissed or greatly reduced.
Contact a Fort Bend County Sexual Abuse Charges Attorney
You simply cannot afford to spend the rest of your life paying for charges that may or may not be true. To learn more about the scope of our firm’s sexual assault of a child defense practice and our methods for protecting people from the risk of punishment and life as a registered sex offender, call The Law Office of Larry McDougal in Sugar Land right away for a free consultation at (281) 823-9377.

Hire the Right Attorney
What Makes Us Stand Apart?
A Respected Father & Son Legal Team
Larry McDougal Sr. is President-Elect of The Texas State Bar
We're Not Afraid to Go to Trial If Necessary
Over 37 Years of Collective Experience